Sustainability at GULF

GULF’s Sustainability Framework builds on the concept of balancing business success and corporate responsibility, illustrating our commitments in all three major dimensions of sustainable development (economic, environmental and social) and corporate sustainability (ESG: environmental, social, governance). These commitments, undertaken within the principles of good corporate governance, are informed by strong stakeholder engagement and supported by a future-oriented IT system. The Framework’s central theme, “GULF HELPS the WORLD”, serves as both a reminder of our vision to enhance people’s quality of life and a representation of our key business areas and material issues in the major dimensions of sustainability.

Corporate Governance

Good corporate governance serves as the frame which guides the Company’s conduct and decision-making. As such, all activities and operations at GULF are conducted within the boundaries of our corporate governance system.
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The first circle represents the business/ economic dimension. GULF has a strong track record of successful project development, operation and management, both domestically and overseas.
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The second circle represents the social dimension. GULF has always made people a priority and recognizes the role we can play in strengthening relationships and improving people’s quality of life.
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The third circle represents the environmental dimension. Without the world, there would be no GULF. It is therefore a top priority for us to take care of the environment and ensure our operations are environmentally sustainable.
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GULF and the UN SDGs

GULF is committed to supporting the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals and has placed special emphasis on driving economic development through clean energy and infrastructure projects.
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GULF aims to be model for sustainable growth, especially in the energy industry. We have always stood by our commitment to upholding the principles of corporate social responsibility.
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Green Bond

"GULF” recognizes the importance of sustainability and environmental impact management with aim to delay the impacts of climate change
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GULF recognizes the importance of maintaining flexibility in a changing world and therefore encourages innovation through exploring new technologies, new processes, and new solutions in its operations.
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GULF values its customers. We therefore have a strong customer relationship management system in place to help ensure that we can deliver high-quality, reliable products and services that serve our customers' needs.
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What about sustainable energy?


Sustainable energy refers to energy that is produced and used in ways that support long-term human well-being and ecological balance. It encompasses two main principles:

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